Jerry emailed this to me, and I find it Way-Cool!: A Free Press For A Free People

Search a database of 41,000 guns and ammo in seconds!
The world's most extensive firearms, ammo and air guns reference guide

As the ultimate research DVD, this is the world's first computer searchable reference guide to guns, ammunition and even air guns.

You can find any gun in seconds with this tool. It includes 41,000 models of firearms, air guns and ammunition from 345 manufacturers – technical specifications, high-resolution photos, prices, you name it.

As a bonus, it offers 500 printable targets, U.S.-European Union ammo chart and gun-making videos. It operates on Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Find any gun in just a second!



Whether you're a seasoned firearm expert who loves the smell of gunpowder or a novice just realizing the importance of familiarizing yourself with these valuable tools, the Firearms Multimedia Guide is what you're aiming for.



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